jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

La meua opinió sobre Twitter

He obert un compte a Isuu per penjar documents. He posat l'ultim treball que he fet i ha quedat bastant majo...

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Ciudad K

Jose A. Pérez, la mente detrás de esa divertidísima Web Mi mesa cojea, nos informa allí mismo de su última creación televisiva: Ciudad K.

Imaginad una ciudad donde la mayoría de la gente tiene un nivel cultural muy alto, tanto que las situaciones más rutinarias se tornan totalmente surrealistas.

Esta serie se va a poder ver en el nuevo canal de TVE cultural.es, que pretende ser un escaparate de promoción de la cultura y arte español. Aunque este canal no va a arrancar hasta el abril de este año, ya se puede ver el episodio piloto de esta serie en la web

Get Out

Sitio Oficial : http://www.getout-lefilm.com/

Realizado por : Charlotte BOISSON, Julien FOURVEL, Pascal HAN-KWAN, Tristan REINARZ, Fanny ROCHE

Voces :
Gary - Philippe PEYTHIEU
Psiquiatra - Jacques BRIERE

Montaje : Studio des Aviateurs

Vist a Oink!

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

Amanda Palmer - Oasis

Amanda Palmer "Oasis" Music Video from Amanda Palmer on Vimeo.

when i got to the party
they gave me a fourty
and i must've been thirsty
cause i drank it so quickly

when i got to the bedroom
there was somebody waiting
and it isn't my fault
that the barbarian raped me

when i went to get tested
i brought along my best friend
melissa mahoney
who had once been molested

and she knew how to get there
she knew all the nurses
they were all really friendly
but the test came out positive


I've seen better days but i don't care
I just sent a letter in the mail

when i got my abortion
i brought along my boyfriend
we got there an hour
before the appointment

and outside the building
there were all these annoying
fundamentalist christians
we tried to ingore them


i've had better days but i don't care
oasis got my letter in the mail

when vacation was over
the word was all over
that i was a crack whore
melissa had told them

and so now were not talking
except we have tickets
to see blur in october
and i think were still going


i've seen better days but i don't care
oh i just got a letter in the mail

oasis sent a photograph
its autographed and everything
melissa's gonna wet herself
i swear

Lletra des de Metrolyrics

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

Statuesque - Neil Gaiman

Un petit conte del guionista de tebeos, escriptor i ara director de cinema Neil Gaiman. Lo curt està protagonitzat per Bill Nighy y Amanda Palmer. Per cert, l'Amanda és una coneguda l'actual parella de Gaiman

Plus: "What's the Use of Won'drin'?" Dirigit per Michael Pope i interpretat/cantat per Amanda Palmer

"What's the Use of Won'drin'?" from Amanda Palmer on Vimeo.

Aribo - Dieu

Música emocionant i dibuixos expressius. Se necessita algo més?

ARIBO - Dieu from Marc Bousquet on Vimeo.

Les il3lustracions són de l'historietista Jean-Paul Krassinsky

Vist a Entrecómics


Miau, una tira de cómic publicada digitalment per José Miguel Fonollosa

Vist a Entrecómics

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010


L'autora d'este curt, una vegada més mos fa el favor de recordar-nos (subrallar-nos) un d'estos moments màgics que es produeixen enmig de la existència quotidiana.

"Scopaesthesia" from sara lópez on Vimeo.


Los meus amics Santi i Pau presenten des de les Valències la seua nova plataforma popera per on dónen sortida a les seues dèries.

Pronte faran un concert a València: Quan On?

27 de febrer
Camino Moncada 128

Per cert, la imatge famobilera que il·lustra este article l'he feta jo!!

Barbapana a MySpace